24 days before arriving at Camp Shanks
for embarkation to Northern Ireland.
September 8, 1943
Dear Folks,
Once again I'll drop you all a few lines, hoping to find you in the best of health. Keeping up courage is a big help. I know you're all holding that chin high. The only thing is, tell brother not to put his nose up in the air too much or I'll clip him one, Ha ha, you know bring him down to my size. Hi, brother, how do you feel? When I get home you'd better be feeling like kid muscle because you and I are going around a couple of times, maybe right in the kitchen. ha ha
We sure did a lot of firing to-day. My head is going like a top and I can hear birds inside. (For those who have never been a soldier shooting all the rifles, mortars, tank guns, bazookas, howitzers etc. can cause a concussion reaction where the soldier could have hearing problems, pressure wave feelings like getting hit in the face and other reactions. Sometimes soldiers would even keep their mouths opened when there was a lot of shooting happening to relieve the concussion pressure.) I may have a little cold.
Gee, has it been cold. Just the same to-day. Some boys put on long handles this morning. The boys from the South don't like this cold weather. They all want to go back.
I had a nice letter from Mr. Thomas to-night. He told me about many of the boys from home, Paul, Vin, Wescott, Foster etc. Told me about his new job at the shipyard which gave gave him a little time off to write. He wrote my letter from there.
A lot of the boys are getting ahead in the Army and I know some people think its funny. I'm still just a yard bird, but you can't do it if you don't get the chance. (Advancements, medals, and awards were not always given "equally" in the military. Some soldiers were noticed for their actions of bravery etc. while others either wasn't seen by his commander or their position denied them a medal. Many times, for example, in the thirty or so books I have read on WW II the medics wouldn't be given medals for their bravery while helping an injured soldier while under heavy fire. It made many soldiers angry because they had deep respect for the medics.) So now, I'm just sweating out time. All I care about is coming home. I had a few more words with the spic to-day. He's only a corporal but sure does like to throw his rank. I wish it was civilian life; I'd knock his d--- head off. No one gets along with him. I'd like to know where his brains are. See if you can find him in the group picture. I think the first row near the right. (Dunhearn)
I told you in my other letter about that fellow from Chicago we call Baby. Well he broke his ankle the other day. Too bad it wasn't someone else (like the corporal). I shouldn't write like this but it makes me mad to think because he has a couple of stripes he can ------- all over you and rub it in and you can't say a word. I told him to-day, sometime he'll come down to our level. (This corporal and my uncle hasn't got along since the guy was transferred into his unit.)
Mom, do they do any work at the pulp mill now? Guess the corn shop had a big run.
I suppose school has started by now. Happy days aren't they, Mom?
Mom, tell Dad this joke.
(Driver says to farmer) Sorry Mister but I've run over one of your hens. Will a dollar pay the bill?
(Farmer says) Well Mister you see I have a rooster that was very fond of that hen and I'm afraid the shock will kill him too.
Dad, that's special, don't you think? On that one I should sign off?
Mom, say hello to Joe and Helen. Give my love to brother and all.
^^Sep 7 987 Dutch Jewish transported to Auschwitz Concentration Camp
^^Sep 7 Fire in decrepit old Gulf Hotel kills 45 (Houston, Texas)
Gulf Hotel Fire - Two Top Floors Gone
^^Sep 8 Lieutenant-General Omar Bradley flies to Carthago/Algiers from Sicily.
# September 8, 1943: Marshal Pietro Badoglio announces the surrender of Italy to the Allies, orders Italian forces to "cease all acts of hostility against the Anglo-American forces wherever they may be met."
A Video to Honor Those Who Trained to be Replacements.
We Would Not Have Won the War Without Them.
*Source 1 https://www.thoughtco.com/world-war-ii-battles-2361453
*Source 2 https://americasbesthistory.com/timeline2ndworldwar1943.html for major battles
**Source 3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1943_in_the_United_States
^^Source 4 https://www.onthisday.com/events/date/1943
##Source 5 https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/us-home-front-during-world-war-ii
copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse