Saturday, September 5, 2020

POST FIFTY-THREE (Work is Done in Darkness) 8 JUL 1943

Special! - I signed my furlough to-day

July 8, 1943
 Thursday Night  
Dear Mother, 
    Have been cleaning up some more clothes to-night and packing things in my barracks' bags that I want to turn in for safe keeping while I'm home.
    We had an easy day which was in our favor because it has been quite warm.
    To-morrow night we go out to fire all night. That is kind of a hard job because all the work is done in darkness. As you can see you have to be careful about getting hurt.
    I signed my furlough to-day. It starts Sunday July 11 and I have 15 days. I'm in hopes of having a pass Saturday afternoon and taking an early train for Chicago. It will give me almost a whole days start ahead. You can bet I can't get back home too soon.
    Marian wrote me to-night that Helen (sister) had sent her a little wooden box from Westbrook, Maine. (I think that's what it was.) She seemed pleased. She may send Helen something.
    Gee, that was a bad fire they had at Gorham Fairgrounds. May be something fishy inside.
    Well, Mom, not much more news to-night but I'll sure be able to find enough to talk about when I get home. Tell Dad to keep his chin up. The news looks better all the time. Say Hello to Eugene, Helen and Joe. Tell them it won't be long now. Say Eugene and Joe how about going swimming up to New Hall on the rope?
                                                Good Night All,
P.S. May not be able to write
again before leaving for home.
I'm sure coming home now.

*July 9 to August 17, 1944 BEGINSInvasion of Sicily, Italy (European Theater)

Troops: Allies (USA, UK, India, Canada, Free French, Australia, South Africa) 467,000; Italy/Germany 292,000-312,000. Casualties (Killed/Wounded/Missing): Allies 22,802; Axis 55,003, plus 163,039 missing or captured. Amphibious and air campaign followed by six week land battle captures island of Sicily and Mediterranean sea lanes for the Allied powers. Victory, celebrated by Sicilians who had grown weary of Mussolini's war rule, would lead to the invasion of Italy and cause Italian leader Mussolini to be ordered jailed by the King of Italy and Germany to divert forces from its Eastern front.

*July 9-August 17, 1943 – Invasion of Sicily – Mediterranean

More information:

^^Jul 13 Greatest tank battle in history ends with Russia's defeat of Germany at Kursk, almost 6,000 tanks take part, 2,900 lost by Germany.



Where there was a fire


*Source 1

*Source 2 for major battles

**Source 3

^^Source 4

##Source 5

copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse

Thursday, September 3, 2020

POST FIFTY-TWO (When I Send the Telegram) 7 July 1943

July 7, 1943
Wednesday Night
Dear Mom,
    Just a line to-night saying everything is o.k. It has been a swell day, not too hot with a nice breeze. We fixed a Battalion problem to-day. Sure was glad it wasn't hot. I wilt as it was.
    As we were in the mortar park cleaning the guns the other day, I looked up and behind a supply building was the top from an old packing case of some kind. Someone had taken some white chalk and made a big E. K. It made me think of Eugene.(Eugene Knight)
    I just finished some clothes. Kind of getting things ready. It shouldn't be long now before I sail for home.(Though he is going by railroad.) When I send the telegram don't say too much about it then I can have plenty of time with you at first. 
    We had some corn for dinner. Gee, what sorry corn.(Many people planted their own corn in Maine during that time. Nothing like FRESH corn picked that day you husk and eat it.) It had no taste at all. Lucky to be eating I guess but don't think the Army has everything.
    Well, Mom, have a good chance to go to bed and get a night's rest. I sure could stand some sleep. Good Night. Love to All. Hope to see Maine soon.

^^Jul 7 Erich Hartmann shoots 7 Russian aircraft at Kursk. Erich Alfred Hartmann (19 April 1922 – 20 September 1993) was a German fighter pilot and the most successful fighter ace in the history of aerial warfare. Hartmann amassed 352 kills over 30 months. Most of these kills happened on the Eastern Front against the Soviet Union. Hartmann was captured after the war by American forces. 

 Erich Hartmann

^^Jul 7 Liberator bombers sinks U-517

U 517

           ^^Jul 7 German Submarine U-951 sunk by depth charges,                      off Cape St. Vincent in the North Atlantic 

U 951

Soldier gets home for holiday 
when stranger pays for airfare

copyright for any personal material Peter Lagasse