Saturday, December 28, 2019

POST SIXTEEN ( Valentines and Inspection) 14 Feb 1943

Tents at Camp McCoy

Feb 14, 1943
Hello Folks:
     Hope you are all O.K. So Dad had a rib out of place and a sore throat. If he had a throat like mine he'll be plenty sick. It will hang on for a long time. Mine did. As for the rib that can be darn sore and it will tell on a person. Remember the time I picked up Helen Ladd on my shoulder and put it out of place. Gee, it made me ache all over. It makes it weak also.
     Say, Mom, I got both of your packages. When the one insured for $25.00 came, I sent you a card right away. In fact, I sent 2 or 3 cards that week. 
     Gee, you should have seen the box some of the old girls in the sorting room (at the mill) sent me. It had a big red heart on the top with all of their names on it. Each one sent a valentine inside. It had 2 boxes of cookies 3 pounds each. Big box of homemade cookies. Two 1 pound boxes of candy in heart shaped boxes from Rockwood candy. Tube of shaving cream. Box of cheeze-its. Six candy bars. Gee, I don't know what else. I have had a lot of mail.
     Mom, when you don't feel good don't try to write. I sent you a letter and told you to take $5.00. Give Dad $5.00 also.( That would be $72 worth of buying power in 2018 per $5.)
     Got a card from Mrs. Goodwin, Dot Lawrence. Letter from Frank Hall. Got Eugene and Helen's letter. Tiny writes all the time. Everyone wants to send me something. Want me to write and tell them. I couldn't do that. If I have one minute I write a letter. Hope I can keep up with them.
     We had a full field inspection yesterday morning. You know, clothes cleaned, haircut, shave, shoes shined, fingernails clean, mess dishes shined, everything neat and boy I mean you have to be on the "ball" so they say. They can find fault then ______, well I don't know what. Some of the boys are doing K.P. duty to-day. I made it O.K. Guess I'll make the grade.
     I'm going to write Waneta & Flavilla later. (sisters)
     You should see the card or valentine Helen Ladd (old girlfriend) sent me. It was swell. Poor kid. If some other people had just left her alone. Here is the verse.
Ever so often
I think about you
And the sweet things you say
And the nice things you do --
I know there's just nothing
Good Fortune could send
That I'd prize more than you--
For you're such a Real Friend!

     I got your card, Ma. Did you get mine? Here is a little joke. What does the war do to people to make them have a baby after 10 years. Ha! Ha!
Will close for this time.
            Love to Ma, Dad, Helen, Eugene
P.S. You should have seen us putting up tents in the snow the other day. The tents are white on one side. Brown on the other.

^^Feb 10 British 8th Army sweeps through North Africa to Tunisia

^^Feb 10 Van der Veen Resistance starts fire in Amsterdam employment bureau.

Gerrit van der Veen (26 November 1902, Amsterdam — 10 June 1944, Overveen) was a Dutch sculptor. He was a member of the Dutch underground, which resisted the German occupation of Amsterdam during World War II.
Gerrit van der Veen

**February 11 – General Dwight D. Eisenhower is selected to command the Allied armies in Europe.

^^Feb 13 German assault on Sidi Bou Zid Tunisia, General Dwight D. Eisenhower visits front.

^^Feb 14 German offensive against US troops through de Faid-pass, Tunisia begins, starting the Battle of Sidi Bou Zid. The Battle of Sidi Bou Zid took place during the Tunisia Campaign from 14–17 February 1943, in World War II. The battle was fought around Sidi Bou Zid, where a large number of American units were mauled by German and Italian forces. (Wikipedia) Dates: Feb 14, 1943 – Feb 17, 1943
Result: German victory
Battle of Sidi Bou Zid

^^Feb 14 The Soviet Union recaptures the city of Rostov-on-Don, liberating Russia from the German 17th Army during WWII

^^Feb 15 Wartime propaganda poster "We Can Do It!" produced by J. Howard Miller and posted on the walls of Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company's plants in the Midwest.

"We Can Do It!"
produced by J. Howard Miller






*Source 1
*Source 2 for major battles
**Source 3
^^Source 4
##Source 5
Copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse

Friday, December 20, 2019

POST FIFTEEN (Harold and His Letter) 9 Feb 1943

Soldiers training at Camp McCoy
WWII Military Personnel

Feb 3, 1943
Hello Folks,
     Just a line to let you know I got my package. Gee,, it was swell but you shouldn't do that. I'm OK and get along. There is a fellow next to me. He is from Texas. His name is Harold Wetowski. He's a nice looking fellow. Do you know what he is from his name? He has a picture of his girl and is she nice looking. He had kind of a lonesome spell Thursday so he got a three day pass to go out of camp. He went to some place not far away. When he came back Monday he had a letter. He told me he had been out with a couple girls and I guess he had a little drink. He did say one girl was a perfect lady. He kind of liked her. After he read the letter he layed on his bunk with his head down. I spoke to him. Guess the letter was from his girl. He felt bad. Then all he wanted to do was go back to Texas. He is a nice fellow. Think of his name. Ha! Ha! 
     Say, Mom, haven't you had a lot of ice this year?
     Now, Ma, you know what was the trouble with Gramps. You know what drink will do to the blood vessels. So don't think of that.
     I might be wrong but I think Joey is O.K., too.
     Guess you better wait about the money upstairs. When you go to Westbrook take $5.00 and buy something.
     When the sun is way down south it is right behind the chimney on the shortest day. Just above the place in Waterboro, Maine, there is a line of tall pines. The sun must be nearly up there. You look and see. I use to notice things like that.
     I gave the boys something to eat last night. Harold said, "Gee, you must have a good ole Mom to do that." "The best", I said. The only girl in the world I'd trust. I told him it's not because she has a lot of money, that's why I enjoy it more. Please don't put yourself out. You know how I can do the best of everything (with whatever I have). That is except Helen [his old girl friend that he failed to keep]. You know Tiny asked when you were coming down. Guess by what Mildred writes her mother has got to go to the hospital. 
     You should have seen us put up tents in the snow to-day. Don't worry I'm not sleeping in one to-night. Two more tests. 95% and 95%.
     Poor Mickey. Morna wants Lewis turn the cow over where he is. Nina foolish. Ha, Ha.
     Say, hi, to Dad for me and give him my best wishes. Be good Eugene and Helen. Try to help to keep the spirit up. Remember there is no place like, "Home Sweet Home." Always look up. Never look down.
                                 Good night All
                                            Love xxx
Some personal thoughts from me. 
As I was reading and writing this letter I became nostalgic thinking when all these people in this letter were alive. I thought about the lessons I learned from my Grandmother, Uncle Charlie, Mom and other family members as I was growing up. I learned the lessons by listening to my mother's stories what it was like to grow up in a very poor family. There was a day when my grandmother only had a little flour left in the large can to feed a family of seven and how that very evening a couple down the road brought some groceries to the house because they believed God told them the Knight family needed some food. 
Then there was the story when the boss where my grandfather worked asked my Grandpa, "Why are looking discouraged today, Frank?" My grandfather told him the house he had built with his own hands they were going to lose because he couldn't pay the mortgage. The boss said, "Frank, we will make sure you don't lose that house."
Actions also taught me lessons. As you could see in the letter my grandmother sent a package that Uncle Charlie knew his mother couldn't afford but she did it out of love. He told her to take $5.00 the next time she went to Westbrook. That was a lot of money in 1943. 
In my years as a child and teenager I would see a box often in my grandmother's kitchen being filled with a variety of groceries to be taken to the church she attended to meet the needs of someone. They never forgot what it was like to be poor and in need. My parents showed those same attitudes so I today give to others in need. And you give not always out of your excess but even when you are not sure how your bills are going to be paid. The Lord is ALWAYS faithful.
On a total different topic, I turn to the story of Harold from Texas my uncle shared in the letter. I was wondering how the story was going to end. For Harold, it was a feeling of guilt and wanting to be with his girl. I, however, have heard from my brother, who served during the Viet Nam War in the Navy, stories how sailors from his ship would jump overboard when they had got a letter from their girl. The letter shared how the sailor's girl had decided to leave him for another guy. Their purpose to keep on going in a war had vanished and they committed suicide. Thankfully for Harold, his letter brought guilt not a feeling that there was no reason to live. We forget how our words or actions can really impact another person.

**February 7 – WWII: It is announced that shoe rationing will go into effect in the US in two days, may purchase up to 3 more pairs in 1942
Shoe Ration Stamp

*February 8 – WWII – Battle of Guadalcanal: United States forces defeat Japanese troops.

^^Feb 9 US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an executive order setting a minimum 48-hour work week in a number of critical war industries

^^Feb 9 Japanese troops evacuate Guadalcanal, ends epic WWII battle on the Solomon Islands in the Pacific (where above pictures are from)


*Source 1
*Source 2 for major battles
**Source 3
^^Source 4
##Source 5
copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse

Saturday, December 14, 2019

POST FOURTEEN ("Restricted") 6 Feb 1943

Soldiers at Camp McCoy

Feb 6, 1943
Saturday Evening 9:30
Hello Mom Dear,
     Just a few lines. We have had a hard week. I can see how each day helps me take it a little better next time. Guess I wrote on my other letter some things we were doing. I'm just a little monkey now. {Speaking about his ability to do the obstacle course}
     Every class we have and everything we do starts with the word - "Restricted." So I have little to write you about. Dad always said Uncle Sam had plenty. Tell Dad Uncle Sam sure has. Wish I could tell Dad some things. {It must have been so hard on the soldier not to share with the person they are writing to what he was doing. Especially, if it was your Mom and Dad that you had a great relationship with and you were used to telling them what you had been doing in your life. Now, he can share hardly anything.}
     You said something about your plants. Boy, Mom, if I go to Texas I'll send you some home. Has Helen been up to see them? Guess she just talks. {Old girlfriend that says she will come and visit Uncle Charlie's mother but never does. "Just talk."}
     Ha! Ha!, Mom, just got one of your letters telling about you trying to have a telephone put in. A little late I'd say.
     Waneta {sister} wrote and told me about the fishing. Gee, wish I was home so I could go. They are having good luck this year. {Uncle Charlie was writing about ice fishing. Through out his whole life he went fishing and hunting as often as he could. He, along with his buddies, would take long trips in Maine every year to go hunting for a week at a time.}
     Tell Eugene {brother} to take it easy about his income tax. It will be O.K. If I was home I would help him - but.
     Gee, what a card Tiny sent me. I feel like she likes me just the same as you like Joe. {sister's fiancé}. Maybe a little better if that's possible. Guess she misses me a lot. Mildred spoke well of you.
     Going to make this letter short, Ma, as I have a lot of notebook work to write up. {I am suspecting he is taking classes that requires taking notes and his tests he writes about are about these classes.} Keep your chin up and look up. Never look down. Gee, my pen set sure comes in handy. It's swell. Good night all.
             Love to Sis & Bro, Mom & Dad,

^^Feb 5 Amsterdam resistance group CS-6 shoots Nazi General Seyffardt.
Hendrik Alexander Seyffardt was a Dutch general, who during World War II collaborated with Nazi Germany during the occupation of the Netherlands, most notably as a figurehead of the Dutch Legion, a unit of the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front.

Gen. Hendrik Alexander Seyffardt 

^^Feb 5 Clandestine Radio Atlantiksender, Germany, 1st transmission

^^Feb 6 Singer Frank Sinatra debuts on radio's "Your Hit Parade"

Frank Sinatra

My Ideal (1943) - Frank Sinatra

*Source 1
*Source 2 for major battles
**Source 3
^^Source 4
##Source 5

copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse

Friday, December 6, 2019

POST THIRTEEN (The Obstacle Course and Double Time) 3 Feb 1943

Feb 3, 1943
Dear Mom,
     Just a few lines before going to bed and I'm sure ready to turn in. It's about 10 minutes to 10. Just got washed and shaved up.
     Gee, my bones ache all over to-night. I'm sore from head to foot. Yesterday was quite a warm day. The sun was shining a little. We put on our field jackets* in the afternoon and started on a march. When we ended we were at the obstacle course. I went over it twice. Then doubled timed back to camp about 1 and 1/2 miles. Here are some of the things we did.
Obstacle Course
At the end there is a wall about 7 or 8 feet high. (We) run, jump, catch the top and throw ourselves over. Gee, was I lame this morning. Then to help out to-day, we went about five miles just before chow time to-night. On the way back we double timed  for about 15 or 20 minutes. Out of 50 men the Lieutenant counted 13 men when we stopped. I kept up but oh my joints. But that's not all. A big General is due in camp tomorrow. We had to wash up all the barrack after chow. Get right down on our hands and knees and scrub, wash windows, everything. Just got done. Oh well, I can take it if the rest can. It will do me good. Ha Ha makes me laugh to think how much of an old man I feel. You know they say you're only as old as you feel. I'm 99 and 1/2 years old.
     Here are some papers. Save them. Had to take out more war bonds. I've had it changed so you are a co-owner. That is you can cash them anytime this way. Also am sending $15.00 home. We can't have much money here for some reason. 
     Mildred sent me a letter last night. No mail to-day. Had quite a snow storm to-day. Wind blowing hard to-night.
     I'll make it short to-night, Mom. Tell Dad I'm thinking about him. Don't forget Helen and Eugene. Joey not yet. Eugene, how is Grammy?
                          Good night all.
     Always look up.
     Never look down.
                               Love all x
P.S. Save all papers unless I tell you different like I'm sending home.

 ^^Feb 2 German 6th Army surrenders after Battle of Stalingrad in a major turning point in Europe during World War II

**February 3 – The legendary Four Chaplains of the U.S. Army are drowned, when their ship (Dorchester) is struck by a German torpedo.

*Source 1
*Source 2 for major battles
**Source 3
^^Source 4
##Source 5
copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse

Saturday, November 30, 2019

POST TWELVE (Praising the 2nd Division) 1 Feb 1943

Feb 1, 1943
Dear Mom,
     Sending you a card. It is a little late but here it is. We are out of quarantine now. Guess I won't have the mumps after all.
     Am sending a money order home. Most all my money. We had orders to carry very little money with us. The captain said we had to take out more war bonds. Then we have to have so much money sent home each month. That is, it will be sent directly to you without coming to me. He said he didn't want us have a lot of money and then some day the last minute have 2 or 3 hundred fellows trying to send money orders home. Use it if you need it. If you like you might put a little away for me. I have one bank book in my suit coat pocket. I'd like money enough to come home even if I was twice as far as I am now. I'd come home for one day if it cost me $100.00 dollars. You know I left some money upstairs in my coat. Have a little left now. Had to spend a little extra this month. Shaving soap, lotion, extra handkerchief, bath towel etc.
     I am having my war bond changed so you will own it too as well as me. You have the right to cash it if you need it. Don't know why we have to do this. Gee, they want money for this and money for that. Take out for your washing even if you don't send it. I send plenty. I keep clean. Take care of my feet. Change socks 3 times a week.
     Would it be possible to get my income tax from the mill? That is how much money I made last year up until I left the mill. Takes time and I have to send it March 15. Maybe someone at the mill would get it for you. They could do it best I think.
     Don't worry about Eugene as I was talking to an officer and he said boys under 20 would never see service. {I am assuming the officer was meaning they wouldn't be drafted.} They have to train 1 year. Whereas older fellows my be shipped when they like or wish to send them. {The age of a soldier being sent overseas changed for sure as the war continued.}
     Someday, I'll send you a special letter. It will be a code. We will practice so you may be sure you understand how it works. If they ever say we can't tell where we are you will be able to read between the lines and find out. All you'll have to do is be careful when the time comes. I'll let you know. Have an idea now. Will dope it out later.
     Are you able to use the car now? Hope you can.
     Another test. They come everyday. Made 100% and 95%. Gee, if I don't crazy. Wish I could send some of it home. We see a lot of moving pictures. When the picture starts it reads - "Restricted By Order of U.S. Army." You can see why it is so hard to write. When we fellows talk it's about our class or subject. That's all the news is. Sometimes I have to tear a letter up. It might go through and then if it didn't - Boy would I pay for it.
     Tell Helen, Joey wants you to be a Miss so he can have you. (What did Helen say to that?) Mom, guess you're going to lose her. Guess you don't mind. 
     Oh, I was talking to an Indian from Arizona. He came from a reservation for Indians. He was real. Telling about eating horse meat. The only trouble you have to be careful of them if they're drunk. Don't get them mad.
     Heard good reports about some of us fellows from the east being quite smart. {He is writing about fellows from the east coast of the United States.} You know the 2nd Division I am in is only stationed here. That news for limited men does not pertain to us. You see this is a large camp. The 2nd Division comes from Fort Sam Houston, Texas. They call this the Guinea Pig outfit. When the Army wants to try something new they call on the 2nd Division. It's a good outfit to try out on. If it works okay they give it to others. Some of these boys have been in for 3 years and haven't gone away yet. They keep them in the States to do a lot of training. That is they send a group of 100 or 150 men to another camp. There they train new men in some other outfit then return back to home base. Uncle Sam needs them because they are a hard group and a good one. If you go up in rank, away you go to train others. Some of the fellows have traveled around quite a bit.
     Gee, Mom, page (6) guess it's ok with you. I hate to take my test on gas. It's Hard. I'll make about 50%. What you say? Ok if I call this a letter?
     I'm OK. Sweet dreams and happy days ahead. So long Dad. Good bye Bro & Sis.
                          Love to All   xxxxxxxx
P.S. Maybe I mixed up Pauline and Beverly. I have a hard time keeping my mail straight. {two oldest nieces}

^^Feb 1 German occupiers make Vidkun Quisling Norwegian premier.
Vidkun Quisling
^^Feb 1 Mussert forms pro-Nazi shadow cabinet in Netherlands.
Anton Adriaan Mussert was one of the founders of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands and its formal leader. As such, he was the most prominent Dutch fascist before and during World War II. During the war, he was able to keep this position, due to the support he received from the Germans.

Anton Adriaan Mussert

Kill or Be Killed

*Source 1
*Source 2 for major battles
**Source 3
^^Source 4
##Source 5

copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse