Friday, June 26, 2020

POST FORTY-TWO (Guard and Prisoners' Duty and Firing Range) 8 Jun 1943

 June 8, 1943
Dear Mom,
     Got your letter and money order. I'll just send a few lines to-night as I am dead tired. As I told you Sunday, we got up a little pass 2  Monday  morning, ate then got ready for the firing range. We got back for dinner at 2:30 pm. By the time we had eaten our dinner, it left 3/4 of an hour to get ready for guard duty. Did I have to work. Don't forget you have to look your best when pulling guard. I walked guard all night, had chow this morning and then went back to the guard house to chase prisoners. That is go out with three of them and a truck driver to work. You have to see they work. Be sure you don't let one get away because if he has five years on his head and has put in two years time and you let him get away you have to serve his three years or until they bring him back. I'm not talking about Japs now. The army has their own jail for soldiers. It pays to keep an eye on them. I hadn't been out long when they sent out another guard so I could go out to fire some more. We never got back until 7:30 to-night so you see I have good reason to say my legs feel a little shaky to-night.
     Marian said when I get ready to come home she'd let me take a suitcase so I won't have to buy one. All she wants for the use of it is a sticker from Maine.
     It has been a nice day. It is a pretty night out. It has been warm but not like at home, at least I don't think so.
     Give my love to all as I have just got to go to bed.
                                        Good night Mom,
                                                   Love Charlie


 © The Ann Arbor News.
 © The Ann Arbor News.

Camp McCoy Newspaper in WW II

1940's Maine Sticker