Thursday, August 20, 2020

POST FIFTY (The 25 Mile Hike and Westbrook) 29 JUN 1943

June 29, 1943
Dear Mother,
    Well I made it. Gee, what a long night. I sure was glad when I saw it breaking daylight for I knew it wouldn't be long before it would be over. Made 25 miles in 7 hours 10 minutes with two 10 minutes and one 20 minutes rest. I guess walking home from Westbrook would be just a breeze now. (7 miles from his home to the Westbrook Paper Mill he had worked before entering the Army) 
    That little picture of me was swell. I am glad you thought to send it. I'll bring it home when I come. Maybe you could get a few rolls of film so when I do get home we could take some pictures. I'll have one taken just like the little one then you can put them side by side Ha! Ha!
    At last Waneta (sister) sent me a letter. Said she had been up to the house stopped into Helen Ladd on her way home. Also wrote she didn't have much news. I guess from the way she wrote none of them care much about living down where where they are. It's foolish of them to put too much into a home if they don't like it.
    Gosh, 45 cents a quart for strawberries. Is that right? Do you think you will have any? (They grew and sold their own.
    We have had a big change in weather here. We had quite a hot spell but last night and to-day have been very cool.
    When I write everyday it's harder to find something to write about. Oh yes, I could talk for hours and tell a lot but -------.
    Our Battery had a picture taken to-night or early this evening. You know all together. I am going to get one if I can. It will be nice to look at later on. (The picture was the one on my Special Edition Post.)
    Well, Mom, my little dogs are a little tired so will go to bed. Will be seeing you soon. Does Dad know I am coming home? Love to all. Sure will be glad to see Eugene, Joe, Helen and all.
                                 Love Charles
^Jun 30 General MacArthur begins Operation Cartwheel (island-hopping) Cartwheel was an operation aimed at neutralizing the major Japanese base at Rabaul. The operation was directed by the Supreme Allied Commander in the South West Pacific Area (SWPA), General Douglas MacArthur, whose forces had advanced along the northeast coast of New Guinea and occupied nearby islands.)
General Douglas Macarthur
General Douglas MacArthur