Saturday, November 30, 2019

POST TWELVE (Praising the 2nd Division) 1 Feb 1943

Feb 1, 1943
Dear Mom,
     Sending you a card. It is a little late but here it is. We are out of quarantine now. Guess I won't have the mumps after all.
     Am sending a money order home. Most all my money. We had orders to carry very little money with us. The captain said we had to take out more war bonds. Then we have to have so much money sent home each month. That is, it will be sent directly to you without coming to me. He said he didn't want us have a lot of money and then some day the last minute have 2 or 3 hundred fellows trying to send money orders home. Use it if you need it. If you like you might put a little away for me. I have one bank book in my suit coat pocket. I'd like money enough to come home even if I was twice as far as I am now. I'd come home for one day if it cost me $100.00 dollars. You know I left some money upstairs in my coat. Have a little left now. Had to spend a little extra this month. Shaving soap, lotion, extra handkerchief, bath towel etc.
     I am having my war bond changed so you will own it too as well as me. You have the right to cash it if you need it. Don't know why we have to do this. Gee, they want money for this and money for that. Take out for your washing even if you don't send it. I send plenty. I keep clean. Take care of my feet. Change socks 3 times a week.
     Would it be possible to get my income tax from the mill? That is how much money I made last year up until I left the mill. Takes time and I have to send it March 15. Maybe someone at the mill would get it for you. They could do it best I think.
     Don't worry about Eugene as I was talking to an officer and he said boys under 20 would never see service. {I am assuming the officer was meaning they wouldn't be drafted.} They have to train 1 year. Whereas older fellows my be shipped when they like or wish to send them. {The age of a soldier being sent overseas changed for sure as the war continued.}
     Someday, I'll send you a special letter. It will be a code. We will practice so you may be sure you understand how it works. If they ever say we can't tell where we are you will be able to read between the lines and find out. All you'll have to do is be careful when the time comes. I'll let you know. Have an idea now. Will dope it out later.
     Are you able to use the car now? Hope you can.
     Another test. They come everyday. Made 100% and 95%. Gee, if I don't crazy. Wish I could send some of it home. We see a lot of moving pictures. When the picture starts it reads - "Restricted By Order of U.S. Army." You can see why it is so hard to write. When we fellows talk it's about our class or subject. That's all the news is. Sometimes I have to tear a letter up. It might go through and then if it didn't - Boy would I pay for it.
     Tell Helen, Joey wants you to be a Miss so he can have you. (What did Helen say to that?) Mom, guess you're going to lose her. Guess you don't mind. 
     Oh, I was talking to an Indian from Arizona. He came from a reservation for Indians. He was real. Telling about eating horse meat. The only trouble you have to be careful of them if they're drunk. Don't get them mad.
     Heard good reports about some of us fellows from the east being quite smart. {He is writing about fellows from the east coast of the United States.} You know the 2nd Division I am in is only stationed here. That news for limited men does not pertain to us. You see this is a large camp. The 2nd Division comes from Fort Sam Houston, Texas. They call this the Guinea Pig outfit. When the Army wants to try something new they call on the 2nd Division. It's a good outfit to try out on. If it works okay they give it to others. Some of these boys have been in for 3 years and haven't gone away yet. They keep them in the States to do a lot of training. That is they send a group of 100 or 150 men to another camp. There they train new men in some other outfit then return back to home base. Uncle Sam needs them because they are a hard group and a good one. If you go up in rank, away you go to train others. Some of the fellows have traveled around quite a bit.
     Gee, Mom, page (6) guess it's ok with you. I hate to take my test on gas. It's Hard. I'll make about 50%. What you say? Ok if I call this a letter?
     I'm OK. Sweet dreams and happy days ahead. So long Dad. Good bye Bro & Sis.
                          Love to All   xxxxxxxx
P.S. Maybe I mixed up Pauline and Beverly. I have a hard time keeping my mail straight. {two oldest nieces}

^^Feb 1 German occupiers make Vidkun Quisling Norwegian premier.
Vidkun Quisling
^^Feb 1 Mussert forms pro-Nazi shadow cabinet in Netherlands.
Anton Adriaan Mussert was one of the founders of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands and its formal leader. As such, he was the most prominent Dutch fascist before and during World War II. During the war, he was able to keep this position, due to the support he received from the Germans.

Anton Adriaan Mussert

Kill or Be Killed

*Source 1
*Source 2 for major battles
**Source 3
^^Source 4
##Source 5

copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse