Friday, December 6, 2019

POST THIRTEEN (The Obstacle Course and Double Time) 3 Feb 1943

Feb 3, 1943
Dear Mom,
     Just a few lines before going to bed and I'm sure ready to turn in. It's about 10 minutes to 10. Just got washed and shaved up.
     Gee, my bones ache all over to-night. I'm sore from head to foot. Yesterday was quite a warm day. The sun was shining a little. We put on our field jackets* in the afternoon and started on a march. When we ended we were at the obstacle course. I went over it twice. Then doubled timed back to camp about 1 and 1/2 miles. Here are some of the things we did.
Obstacle Course
At the end there is a wall about 7 or 8 feet high. (We) run, jump, catch the top and throw ourselves over. Gee, was I lame this morning. Then to help out to-day, we went about five miles just before chow time to-night. On the way back we double timed  for about 15 or 20 minutes. Out of 50 men the Lieutenant counted 13 men when we stopped. I kept up but oh my joints. But that's not all. A big General is due in camp tomorrow. We had to wash up all the barrack after chow. Get right down on our hands and knees and scrub, wash windows, everything. Just got done. Oh well, I can take it if the rest can. It will do me good. Ha Ha makes me laugh to think how much of an old man I feel. You know they say you're only as old as you feel. I'm 99 and 1/2 years old.
     Here are some papers. Save them. Had to take out more war bonds. I've had it changed so you are a co-owner. That is you can cash them anytime this way. Also am sending $15.00 home. We can't have much money here for some reason. 
     Mildred sent me a letter last night. No mail to-day. Had quite a snow storm to-day. Wind blowing hard to-night.
     I'll make it short to-night, Mom. Tell Dad I'm thinking about him. Don't forget Helen and Eugene. Joey not yet. Eugene, how is Grammy?
                          Good night all.
     Always look up.
     Never look down.
                               Love all x
P.S. Save all papers unless I tell you different like I'm sending home.

 ^^Feb 2 German 6th Army surrenders after Battle of Stalingrad in a major turning point in Europe during World War II

**February 3 – The legendary Four Chaplains of the U.S. Army are drowned, when their ship (Dorchester) is struck by a German torpedo.

*Source 1
*Source 2 for major battles
**Source 3
^^Source 4
##Source 5
copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse