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Soldiers at Camp McCoy |
Feb 6, 1943
Saturday Evening 9:30
Hello Mom Dear,
Just a few lines. We have had a hard week. I can see how each day helps me take it a little better next time. Guess I wrote on my other letter some things we were doing. I'm just a little monkey now. {Speaking about his ability to do the obstacle course}
Every class we have and everything we do starts with the word - "Restricted." So I have little to write you about. Dad always said Uncle Sam had plenty. Tell Dad Uncle Sam sure has. Wish I could tell Dad some things. {It must have been so hard on the soldier not to share with the person they are writing to what he was doing. Especially, if it was your Mom and Dad that you had a great relationship with and you were used to telling them what you had been doing in your life. Now, he can share hardly anything.}
You said something about your plants. Boy, Mom, if I go to Texas I'll send you some home. Has Helen been up to see them? Guess she just talks. {Old girlfriend that says she will come and visit Uncle Charlie's mother but never does. "Just talk."}
Ha! Ha!, Mom, just got one of your letters telling about you trying to have a telephone put in. A little late I'd say.
Waneta {sister} wrote and told me about the fishing. Gee, wish I was home so I could go. They are having good luck this year. {Uncle Charlie was writing about ice fishing. Through out his whole life he went fishing and hunting as often as he could. He, along with his buddies, would take long trips in Maine every year to go hunting for a week at a time.}
Tell Eugene {brother} to take it easy about his income tax. It will be O.K. If I was home I would help him - but.
Gee, what a card Tiny sent me. I feel like she likes me just the same as you like Joe. {sister's fiancé}. Maybe a little better if that's possible. Guess she misses me a lot. Mildred spoke well of you.
Going to make this letter short, Ma, as I have a lot of notebook work to write up. {I am suspecting he is taking classes that requires taking notes and his tests he writes about are about these classes.} Keep your chin up and look up. Never look down. Gee, my pen set sure comes in handy. It's swell. Good night all.
Love to Sis & Bro, Mom & Dad,
^^Feb 5
Amsterdam resistance group CS-6 shoots Nazi General Seyffardt.
Alexander Seyffardt was a Dutch general, who during World War II
collaborated with Nazi Germany during the occupation of the
Netherlands, most notably as a figurehead of the Dutch Legion, a unit
of the Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front.
Gen. Hendrik Alexander Seyffardt
^^Feb 5
Clandestine Radio Atlantiksender, Germany, 1st transmission
6 Singer Frank Sinatra debuts on radio's "Your Hit Parade"