^^Sep 15 Benito Mussolini forms a rival fascist government in northern Italy under Hitler’s regime called the Italian Social Republic historically known as the Republic of Salò.
^^Sep 15 Concentration Camp Vaivara in Estonia opens. Vaivara was a concentration and transit camp in northeast Estonia. It was apparently established in 1943 as a camp for Soviet prisoners of war. From August 1943 until February 1944 it was the main branch of 20 forced labor camps located throughout Estonia. Some 20,000 Jews from Latvia and from the Lithuanian ghettos of Vilna and Kovno were brought to Vaivara, where they were kept before being sent on to the labor camps. For that reason, Vaivara was considered a transit camp. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/vaivara
^^Sep 15 Concentration Camp Kauwen in Lithuania opens