August 16, 1843
Monday Evening
Dear Mother, Dad and Bro,
Just three little pigs or the three brown bears here you are for a letter.
First, I'll tell you I've just come off a 15 miler and my dogs are a little tired so guess I'll put the poor pups to bed early. The hike wasn't bad as it is cold just like a fall day here, cold breeze with heavy clouds (may snow Ha, Ha,).
We pulled a big Second Army inspection last week. Guns, trucks, howitzers and all. The 15th Field Artillery Battalion came out on top in everything, now Ma, don't think I'm saying this just because I'm in the 15th but when I walked guard the other night some of the truck drivers in my outfit worked until 4 o'clock in the morning to get the work done. That's why we got such a nice weekend.
I got a few birthday cards, more still coming. Helen sent me a card from Boston. Helen Ladd sent me a card quite nice but wrote Flavilla had told her about my girl in Wisconsin so she didn't send the card she'd like to have sent. Marian and I will never see each other when this is over with. I still miss Helen sending me the nice cards like she once sent. Oh yes, I know what you're saying, "well they never amounted to anything." ----
Well maybe.
We had a big review parade Friday and even if you don't like the Army, the band with all the boys dressed, passing in review give you a little thrill. (Uncle Charlie always liked to look sharp. Even in the Masons the group he led to march in parades around the nation had to look their best and do their best. One time while leading his group in a parade he looked down and saw while putting his shoes on in the dark that morning one was black and one was brown. He got the nickname Charlie Brown after that. He never lived it down.)
I went to La Crosse Friday night about 8 o'clock, came back Sunday night, had a quite a good time. Sent you a folder while passing away a little time Saturday afternoon on the court house lawn. I spent a lot of time thinking of you all and home. When I came in Sunday night I found your letter saying Helen, my sister, was married. I'm glad, as I feel it will be a big help to you.
I got a couple pair of stockings from Pauline and also two handkerchiefs. Seems as you could have sent a little better card. Oh well, I didn't mind. Guess what, Pauline wrote me she'd had her teeth x-rayed and it would cost $150.00 ($2,253.00 in 2020) to fix them up because of x-rays etc. and also treatment as her lower teeth have infected gums. She didn't write the other day because she was nervous and sick, what next?
Gee, what a letter at 2 o'clock in the morning, how about another? I'm looking for that box you're sending.
Flavilla sent me a nice card. Gee, Waneta sent me a money order of $5.00,(worth $75 in 2020) that was swell. You can tell about your children, Mom, well I've got the best brother and sisters in the world. Mother, you've done all you could and it's not a bad flock of chicks you have. Everyone of them think the world of you and Dad.
Well, Mom, I'm 28 going on 29 Ha Ha. (Old Man) or (Old Maid) If I were home and you did sputter, it wouldn't make any difference to me. (I just loved how comfortable my uncle felt to express his opinions and thoughts. He definitely loved his family. He was also proud to serve his country. Maybe being 28, he was more realistic and comfortable to share his real thoughts.) Don't worry some day every thing will be O.K.
Ask Pauline (niece) if she is saving her old tin cans to help Uncle Charlie lick the Japs. Ha Ha
If you want to get something for my sister, Helen, for her wedding, O.K. If I was home working I would but you see, I don't get much here. I just signed the payroll for next month and I draw $12.50. Not much when soap, shaving cream, hair cuts, pressing little ice-cream cones out of it. The rest I use to go to town. $1.25 a round trip to town, so if I go I have little to spend. Some day I'll buy her and brother in law Joe an iron. (If I remember correctly the Army didn't want them to have too much cash on hand so they had to buy war bonds or send money home.)
I like the cloth in your dress. It's fun when you send a sample. Well, Mom, my dogs (feet) are barking so guess they want to be up in bed. Give my love to Dad and Brother. I'll write Helen to-morrow.
Good Night Mother
Love and a Kiss
Son Charles
P.S. Gee, it is cold here to-night and you should hear the southern boys rave. Damn this cold as--- Yankee country Ha Ha. It's going to be a good night to sleep.
Bye Now.
14, 1943 – The Quadrant Conference begins in Quebec City; Canadian
Prime Minister MacKenzie King meets with Winston Churchill and
Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was held to discuss plans for the
forthcoming Allied invasions of Italy and France. Differences between
U.S. and British strategists about the coordination of the Italian
campaign with Operation Overlord (the planned Normandy Invasion) were
not resolved and had to be settled at meetings in Moscow, Tehran, and
Cairo later that year.
Front: MacKenzie
King, President Roosevelt, Winston Churchill. Behind: General
"Hap" Arnold, Air Chief Marshal Charles Portal, General Sir
Alan Brooke, Admiral Ernest King, Field Marshal Sir John Dill,
General George C. Marshall, Admiral Sir Dudley Pound, and Admiral
William Leahy.
14, 1943 1st Allied air raid on Borneo. American Liberator bombers
flew a record distance, traveling 2,500 miles from Australia to carry
out the first bombing raid on the island of Borneo, striking the
Japanese oil reserves at Balikpapan. Their 17-hour non-stop flight
would take the Japanese completely by surprise and result in
destruction in Balikpapan.
**August 16 –The USS Intrepid is commissioned. USS Intrepid, also known as The Fighting "I", is one of 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers built during World War II for the United States Navy. She is the fourth US Navy ship to bear the name. Decommissioned: 15 March 1974.
*Source 1
*Source 2 for major battles
**Source 3
^^Source 4
##Source 5
copyright of letters and any original material Peter Lagasse